Handel’s Messiah, Presented by the Choral Society of Middle Georgia and Mercer University Choir
Under the direction of Townsend School of Music Dean Dr. Gary Gerber, the Choral Society of Middle Georgia and Mercer University Choir continue this annual tradition. Tickets for all performances are $10.00 at the door, through the Choral Society at choralsocietymga.com or eventbrite.com/o/the-choral-society-of-middle-georgia-17823517340
View EventHandel’s Messiah, Presented by the Choral Society of Middle Georgia and Mercer University Choir
Under the direction of Townsend School of Music Dean Dr. Gary Gerber, the Choral Society of Middle Georgia and Mercer University Choir continue this annual tradition. Tickets for all performances are $10.00 at the door, through the Choral Society at choralsocietymga.com or eventbrite.com/o/the-choral-society-of-middle-georgia-17823517340
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