Lead the Future: Unleashing Your Potential in Educational Leadership at Mercer
We invite you to join us for a webinar to discuss our Educational Leadership certification programs: Tier One, M.Ed. in Educational Leadership, Tier Two, Ed.S. in Educational Leadership, and the non-degree, certification-only options for Tier One and Tier Two. During this webinar, we will go over the Georgia PSC guidelines for Leadership certification, and go into the details of how our program operates, and what our program has to offer.
View EventPathway to Teaching: The Mercer Bears Guide to Becoming an Educator
Our schools and districts are in need of transformational educators, and we commend you on beginning your journey to becoming a certified educator in Georgia. Mercer's Tift College of Education is the largest private preparer of educators in the state of Georgia. Join us for a webinar to discuss our programs for initial teacher certification. During this webinar, we will cover the certification rules in Georgia in general before taking a deep dive into Mercer's MAT program. We look forward…
View EventNavigating the Application Process for M.Ed. and Ed.S. Programs — The Accomplished Teacher
In this virtual session, we will be covering the programs offered under the Advanced Teacher (Master of Education) and the Accomplished Teacher (Education Specialist). Mercer’s Master of Education (M.Ed.) – The Advanced Teacher is designed to instruct and cultivate teachers to have an expanded philosophy of growth and change based on reliable knowledge and reflections on the best practices of teaching and learning. This program prepares teachers with the ability to understand and apply the skills of data analysis and…
View EventPathway to Teaching: The Mercer Bears Guide to Becoming an Educator
Our schools and districts are in need of transformational educators, and we commend you on beginning your journey to becoming a certified educator in Georgia. Mercer's Tift College of Education is the largest private preparer of educators in the state of Georgia. Join us for a webinar to discuss our programs for initial teacher certification. During this webinar, we will cover the certification rules in Georgia in general before taking a deep dive into Mercer's MAT program. We look forward…
View EventPathway to Teaching: The Mercer Bears Guide to Becoming an Educator
Our schools and districts are in need of transformational educators, and we commend you on beginning your journey to becoming a certified educator in Georgia. Mercer's Tift College of Education is the largest private preparer of educators in the state of Georgia. Join us for a webinar to discuss our programs for initial teacher certification. During this webinar, we will cover the certification rules in Georgia in general before taking a deep dive into Mercer's MAT program. We look forward…
View EventNavigating the Application Process for M.Ed. and Ed.S. Programs — The Accomplished Teacher
In this virtual session, we will be covering the programs offered under the Advanced Teacher (Master of Education) and the Accomplished Teacher (Education Specialist). Mercer’s Master of Education (M.Ed.) – The Advanced Teacher is designed to instruct and cultivate teachers to have an expanded philosophy of growth and change based on reliable knowledge and reflections on the best practices of teaching and learning. This program prepares teachers with the ability to understand and apply the skills of data analysis and…
View EventPathway to Teaching: The Mercer Bears Guide to Becoming an Educator
Our schools and districts are in need of transformational educators, and we commend you on beginning your journey to becoming a certified educator in Georgia. Mercer's Tift College of Education is the largest private preparer of educators in the state of Georgia. Join us for a webinar to discuss our programs for initial teacher certification. During this webinar, we will cover the certification rules in Georgia in general before taking a deep dive into Mercer's MAT program. We look forward…
View EventLead the Future: Unleashing Your Potential in Educational Leadership at Mercer
We invite you to join us for a webinar to discuss our Educational Leadership certification programs: Tier One, M.Ed. in Educational Leadership, Tier Two, Ed.S. in Educational Leadership, and the non-degree, certification-only options for Tier One and Tier Two. During this webinar, we will go over the Georgia PSC guidelines for Leadership certification, and go into the details of how our program operates, and what our program has to offer.
View EventNavigating the Application Process for M.Ed. and Ed.S. Programs — The Accomplished Teacher
In this virtual session, we will be covering the programs offered under the Advanced Teacher (Master of Education) and the Accomplished Teacher (Education Specialist). Mercer’s Master of Education (M.Ed.) – The Advanced Teacher is designed to instruct and cultivate teachers to have an expanded philosophy of growth and change based on reliable knowledge and reflections on the best practices of teaching and learning. This program prepares teachers with the ability to understand and apply the skills of data analysis and…
View EventPathway to Teaching: The Mercer Bears Guide to Becoming an Educator
Our schools and districts are in need of transformational educators, and we commend you on beginning your journey to becoming a certified educator in Georgia. Mercer's Tift College of Education is the largest private preparer of educators in the state of Georgia. Join us for a webinar to discuss our programs for initial teacher certification. During this webinar, we will cover the certification rules in Georgia in general before taking a deep dive into Mercer's MAT program. We look forward…
View EventPathway to Teaching: The Mercer Bears Guide to Becoming an Educator
Our schools and districts are in need of transformational educators, and we commend you on beginning your journey to becoming a certified educator in Georgia. Mercer's Tift College of Education is the largest private preparer of educators in the state of Georgia. Join us for a webinar to discuss our programs for initial teacher certification. During this webinar, we will cover the certification rules in Georgia in general before taking a deep dive into Mercer's MAT program. We look forward…
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