Homecoming: Come As You Aren’t
Show your Halloween spirit by competing in our costume contest! Only pre-registered students can participate in the competition, but all students are invited to Cruz to watch the show and be festive, with appropriate costumes. The Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned at the end of the event, which will feature an amazing fireworks display!
View EventStudy Abroad Ornament Decorating
The Office of International Programs is partnering with Residence Life and the International Bears Association to host a creative and fun holiday-themed event before students return home for break. We will have a wooden ornaments for students to pick up, paint and decorate using prepared materials. Students are welcome to create their own design or use one of 10 different stencils available. The event would be held on Cruz Plaza on November 18th from 11:00am – 3:00pm. After completing your…
View EventLiving on the Veg
Quadworks will be bringing the Southern Soul Vegan Cafe' to campus with free vegan meals for Mercer students. We will also have a table that discusses the benefits of a vegan/vegetarian diet, highlight the differences between vegan/vegetarian, how to navigate these diets on campus and vegan/vegetarian dorm-friendly recipes.
View EventMake a Valentine Event
A fun crafting event where students can make different Valentines to give to their friends and loved ones, as well as enjoy candy and snacks
View EventQuadworks Cookies and Crafts
Students can enjoy sweet treats, choose a plant, and paint its pot.
View EventHalfway There Affair
Sophomore students are invited to attend a a free lunch celebrating the halfway mark of their undergraduate career. After eating, attendees can and take advantage of a one-stop resource fair tailored to equip them for the second half of their Mercer journey.
View EventShape Carnival 2021
Come one, come all! Play games, learn about various topics such as hazing, drinking, and more. Visit different student organizations to compete for prizes, and make sure to get your FREE T-SHIRT!
View EventDrench-A-Delta
This will be an event for Delta Epsilon Psi's JDRF week to help fund raise for type I diabetes treatment and research. In the event, brothers will get soaked in cold water via buckets, water balloons, and possibly pool toys in exchange for student donations. Masks will be required by attending students and participating brothers. Additionally, a hand sanitizing station will also be present to keep sanitary between the exchange of buckets, balloons, and toys.
View EventDiversity Day
Rain, Rain has come our way, We had to move Diversity Day! The Minority Mentor Program and the Office of Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives would like to invite you to Diversity Day on April 13th from 3-6 PM on Cruz Plaza. Students will have the chance to learn more about our multicultural student organizations on campus and enjoy cultural performances, food vendors, a fashion show, and Stuff A Bear! Masks and social distancing will be required for all attendees. We…
View EventDye-A-Delta
This will be our main event for our JDRF week series. For this event, brothers who have volunteered to fundraise will have their hair dyed with costume hair dye. Masks will be required by brothers and students attending. Hand sanitizer will be present if needed. All dyeing and close interactions with brothers will be done by other brothers rather than students to minimize risk.
View EventBearstock
The Bearstock spring concert has gone outdoors! Enjoy food trucks or sit in socially distanced pods on Cruz! Come for a chance to get exclusive t-shirts, masks, and more. This event is for Mercer students only.
View EventBearstock
The Bearstock spring concert has gone outdoors! Enjoy food trucks or sit in socially distanced pods on Cruz! Come for a chance to get exclusive t-shirts, masks, and more. This event is for Mercer students only.
View EventThe Phoenix Project: Renewal
A multimedia, creative outdoor spectacular that includes giant puppets, pyrotechnics, and more on Cruz Plaza. The Phoenix Project is inspired by the societal upheaval of 2020 to ask what innovations and creativity will rise from the ashes, much like the mythical bird of its title. This is an original work generated collaboratively by Mercer Theatre students, faculty, and staff that will take place live in a parade-like environment alongside community performers. Get ready to be wowed!
View EventSGA We Are Mercer Spirit Week
Join SGA for We Are Mercer Spirit Week!! Join us for fun events during the last week of classes to celebrate the end of the year and what it means to be The Bear! We invite all students, faculty, and staff to participate. Please email mercer.hlc@gmail.com with any questions.
View EventCirque Dans Le Noir
Come watch a show of firebreathing, contortionists and wonder! Come get a free cup while supplies last!
View EventAll Fraternity and Sorority Informational Social
Any students interested in hearing more about Mercer’s fraternities and sororities are invited to attend the all fraternity and sorority informational social on Wednesday, August 25 at 6 p.m. Leaders from fraternity and sorority chapters and councils will be present to answer questions and share information.
View EventPolar Bears
Cool off and engage with QuadWorks at Polar Bears! Get a coke float, ice cream sundae, or cup of Pinky's shaved ice when you give a suggestion for the QuadWorks playlist!
View EventTri Beta Start of the Year Social
Tri Beta Start of the Year Social - open to Tri-Beta members and anybody interested in finding out more about the Beta Beta Beta (aka Tri Beta) Biology Honors Society of Mercer University. There will be food, music and fun!
View EventGlow with the Flow
Meet QuadSquad and hang out on the first Saturday of school with glow in the dark mini golf, glow paint, and more!
View EventWelcome Back Mixer
Come celebrate the 2021-2022 school year with Opportunity Scholars! Help us welcome back the Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors!
View EventMulticultural Mixer
Join us for our first large scale event of the year! Mix and mingle with a wide variety of cultural clubs here at Mercer! We hope to see you there!
View EventWelcome Back Mixer
Come celebrate the 2021-2022 school year with Opportunity Scholars! Help us welcome back the sophomores, juniors, and seniors!
View EventMulticultural Mixer
Join us this Tuesday for the Multicultural Mixer on Cruz Plaza at 6 p.m. We will have free food, prizes, and Mercer DEI SWAG!! Come mix and mingle with all the multicultural clubs and student organizations on campus.
View EventQuadWorks 20th Birthday Bash
QW turns 20! You're invited to our birthday party! We will have food, inflatables, and games, as you do. Gifts not required 🙂
View EventMPOC Field Day
A classic elementary school field day but with a twist to every event! There will be a full day of relay race like events that all lead up to a water balloon tournament!
View EventMPOC Field Day
A classic elementary field day with a twist! Come out and support the Mercer Prosthetics and engineering club through 7 super fun field day events all leading up to a water balloon tournament!
View Event2021 United Way Campaign Kickoff
Mercer faculty and staff gather to kick off Mercer's annual Campaign. Lunch on Cruz Plaza - outside of Penfield.
View EventBe a Good NeighBear
Be a Good NeighBear is back! Celebrate MerServe's annual day of community service on September 25. Join MerServe and partners like Habitat for Humanity, Backpack Buddies, Kitty City Cat Rescue, Goodwill Industries, and many more as we give back to the Middle Georgia community. After finishing at your site, come by the CSC breezeway (next to the Academic Resource Center) to pick up a free t-shirt! Registration will open on Monday, September 13. Follow us @mercermerserve on Instagram for updates.…
View EventIndigenous Peoples’ Day
There will be an indigenous group performance on Cruz. People can observe the performance. Might have interactive elements in the performance.
View EventRetro Reboot
Students can come out to play laser tag, video games, spend time with friends, and eat delicious food!
View EventCaribSA Paint N Sip
Come Join Mercer CaribSA on Cruz for a relaxing evening painting and enjoying refreshments. Special Performance by the CaribSA Dance Team!
View EventStuff-A-Bear
Come destress with us and stuff your own stuffed animal while supplies last!
View EventCATs Club Merchandise Fundraiser Sale
Presented by Mercer University's CATs (Cat Appreciation Team) Club, cat-loving students and others are welcome to purchase fun, colorful merchandise featuring originally illustrated art on apparel and stationary items! T-Shirts of all sizes (XS-3XL) and 3-inch round stickers of 3 designs will be sold for the prices listed in the flyer. Sales and pick-ups will occur on Cruz Plaza on November 16th during 9:30AM-5:00PM and November 17th during 9:30AM-5:00PM. Placed orders can be arranged for a different pick-up time and/or…
View EventHIV Ribbon Aerial Photo
HIV 40th Anniversary Planning Committee and Quadworks are hosting a HIV Ribbon Aerial Photo. This will be on 12/01/2021 on Cruz Plaza at 4:00 PM. We will arrange all participants in a ribbon shape and take an aerial photo to commemorate the 40th anniversary of HIV and it's long history. Scan the QR code on the poster or use the following link to sign up. The first 50 to sign up will get free red t-shirts!
View EventBear Game!
Based on Netflix's hit show, Squid Game, students will compete against each other in high-stakes children's games until they're eliminated; leaving one person left, the winner of the grand prize!
View EventBear Game!
Based on Netflix's hit show, Squid Game, students will compete against each other in high-stakes children's games until they're eliminated; leaving one person left, the winner of the grand prize!
View EventStargazing Mercer
Stargazing Mercer is a public night sky tour hosted by the Mercer Astronomy Student Association on Cruz Plaza. Recreational telescopes will be set up owned by our members for use in to the public as aids on information regarding the astronomical objects in question.
View EventSpring Swing 2022
Every year the Beta Sigma chapter of Alpha Delta Pi holds a week-long philanthropy event entitled "Spring Swing"! This is the schedule for the week this spring! Monday (3/28)- Enjoy a hamburger/ hotdog dinner on Cruz Plaza for $7! Tuesday (3/29)- Pie a Pi! Pie a sister in the face on Cruz Plaza for $3! Wednesday (3/30)- Profit share at ZBeans in Mercer Village! Friday (4/1)- 1851 Push Day! Saturday (4/2)- Our annual Diamond Cup Classic! Sign up in teams…
View EventStarry Rickshank Rickdemption
A Rick and Morty themed excuse to look through a telescope and learn more about stars because we aren't art majors. Did I mention there will be some Rick and Morty?
View EventReal Talk Student Edition
Real Talk Student Edition - Real Talk Student Edition is an opportunity for students to hear real stories from other students. These stories humanize the college experience to remind students that they are not alone. This event will future four student speakers covering various topics of their college experience. The student speakers this year are Nuren Lara, Mira Patel, Emily Turner, and Themba Nsubuga.
View EventDiversity Day
The Minority Mentor Program and the Office of Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives would like to invite you to Diversity Day on April 14 from 3-6 p.m. on Cruz Plaza. Students will have the chance to learn more about our multicultural student organizations on campus and enjoy cultural performances, food vendors, a fashion show, and Stuff A Bear! Masks and social distancing will be required for all attendees. We hope many of our fellow Mercerians will be able to join us…
View EventField Day
Students will team up and compete in elementary school-style field games like Tug of War, Water balloon toss, sack races, and more!
View EventWelcome Back Starter Packs
We are kicking off the school year right with starter packs for our new and returning Bears! Come and see the ladies of Omega Mu on Cruz Plaza from 1-3 p.m. Aug. 26 for a chat, some goodies, and well wishes for an amazing year!
View EventPie a Pi Kapp
A Pi Kappa Phi philanthropy event to raise money for the Ability Experience. Money will be raised by charging donors to pie a brother in the face.
View EventStuff-a-Bear
Students are able to pick out a bear/animal and stuff it to make a buddy that they can take home. A free custom Mercer T-shirt for the bears will be provided.
View EventBears Get Wet!
A fun, end-of-summer event with water games, inflatables and Pinky's Shaved Ice!
View EventCruz Planetarium LIVE
Please Note: This event has been canceled. Brought to you by the Mercer Astronomy Student Association, Cruz Planetarium LIVE is a public showing beyond the limitations of a traditional planetarium viewing. Learn more about the planets in our solar system and the stars and see them with your very own eyes! Everyone is welcome, and there is no entry fee. Cruz Planetarium LIVE is a planetarium show like no other!
View EventBe a Good Neighbear
Be a Good Neighbear is back! Celebrate MerServe's annual day of community service on Sept. 24. Join MerServe and partners like Habitat for Humanity, Backpack Buddies, All About Animals, Goodwill Industries, and many more as we give back to the Middle Georgia community. Registration will open on Sept. 1 on BearPulse. Follow us @mercermerserve on Instagram for updates.
View EventThe Jupiter Opposition Viewing Party
Jupiter will be at its closest point to Earth than at any other time this year. Join the Mercer Astronomy Student Association at a viewing party on Cruz Plaza for the closest opposition in the last 70 years.
View EventKicking Off Midterms
Come down to Cruz and destress during all the midterm madness! Bubble soccer, game truck, and food!
View EventBreast Cancer Awareness Event
An event informing students to bring awareness to this important disease that affects the health of many during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
View EventHaunted Night
Learn and see the astronomical objects such as the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, the Pleiades, and Andromeda Galaxy in this Halloween themed outreach event. Come in costume and enjoy lively conversations with fellow astronomers and stargazers.
View EventAdulting 101
This will be an educational event on how to adult as a college student. We plan to have a lesson on changing a tire and oil in a car. There will also be information on nutrition and how to keep up a healthy lifestyle while being in college. There will also be a pamphlet on baby care, sexual awareness, drug abuse and recipes for mocktails.
View EventTotal Lunar Eclipse
Join us to watch the total lunar eclipse out on Cruz Plaza. It only happens twice a year.
View EventHomecoming Week Movie Night
"Back to the Future" will be shown to celebrate the decades theme for Homecoming. Popcorn, snacks and drinks will be served at the event.
View EventHomecoming Week Lip-Syncing Through the Decades
Organizations will be competing in lip-sync battles, using songs across many decades.
View EventThe Opposition of Mars
Join MASA outside on Cruz Plaza to witness the opposition of Mars, the best time to view our red neighbor. Only happens about once every 2 years! Don't miss it! No need to sign up, no need to RSVP, just come on down and join us.
View EventKisses on Cruz
Come by Cruz for some free chocolate kisses! Phi Mu wants to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day!
View EventComet of a Lifetime
A once in a lifetime opportunity to see Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), which will be passing Earth for the first time in 50,000 years and won't be seen again for a millennia.
View EventHalfway There Affair
Halfway There Affair is a celebration for sophomore students! Sophomore students are invited to join us on Cruz Plaza on March 22. There will be food, prizes, and the opportunity for students to meet with various offices on campus.
View EventCruz Planetarium LIVE
Brought to you by the Mercer Astronomy Student Association, Cruz Planetarium LIVE is a public showing beyond the limitations of a traditional planetarium viewing. Learn more about the planets in our solar system and the stars and see them with your very own eyes! Everyone is welcome, and there is no entry fee. Cruz Planetarium LIVE is a planetarium show like no other!
View EventLife Size Candyland
Come out to Cruz plaza to play the classic kids game in real life! Life size Candyland!
View EventField Day
In this QuadWorks event put on by the Games Committee, all Macon campus Mercer students are invited to join in an outdoor activity. Similar to how many elementary schools put on annual field days filled with activities, students will participate in relay races, timed competitions and other fun outdoor activities. Food and refreshments will be provided.
View EventReal Talk Student Edition
Real Talk Student Edition takes place on Tuesday, April 24 on Cruz Plaza. Real Talk Student Edition allows students to share their story! Enjoy us as we listen to student speakers share their message. Interested in applying to be a Real Talk Student Edition speaker? Apply here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FlxMMqajK2PY1Dsr6Dd6X9dnnKDedBJJNSj5oB4P1ps/edit
View EventCornhole Tournament
Cornhole Tournament on Cruz Plaza to Increase Brand Awareness of Mercer Baseball. Cost is $10 Per Team, $5 Per Individual
View EventBear County Fair
Experience the thrill at the Bear County Fair! Join us for a day of fun with a basketball challenge, jousting tournament, inflatable obstacle course, and enjoy free snacks and shaved ice. Get ready for an unforgettable event filled with excitement, competition, and tasty treats. Don't miss out!
View EventVietnam@Mercer – Vietnamese Snacks
Want to try some Vietnamese treats? Stop by Cruz Plaza to grab a bite to eat, explore food from Vietnam, and find your new favorite snack!
View EventCroc Bloc Party
This event will be for all students. There will be Jibbitz available for everyone in attendance. Everyone comes in Crocs to fit the theme, and enjoy their time with students. There will be a karaoke contest and the winner receives a free pair of Crocs. There will be various dessert bars, chips and snacks, and popsicles.
View EventStuff-A-Bear
Students will receive the components for creating and stuffing their own Mercer stuffed animal, complete with dressing their stuffed animal up.
View EventCrêpes on Cruz
Mercer University French Club will be selling Crêpes on Cruz Plaza in order to fund raise for the club to engage in more cultural events!
View EventCentral Asian Snacks
Want to try some Central Asian treats? Stop by Cruz Plaza to grab a bite to eat, explore food from Central Asia, and find your new favorite snack!
View EventHomecoming: Obstacle Course
Gather a team of your most athletic members to race through an inflatable obstacle course in a relay-style competition. The lowest group time to complete the obstacle course wins.
View EventPep Rally, Fireworks and Aspire Campaign Celebration
Pep Rally, Fireworks and Aspire Campaign Celebration 8:30 p.m. – 9:15 p.m. • Cruz Plaza • Free Free and open to all, our annual Homecoming pep rally gets the party started! Celebrate the successful completion of Mercer’s $500 million comprehensive fund raising campaign.
View EventSerbian Snacks
Want to try some Serbian treats? Stop by Cruz Plaza to grab a bite to eat, explore food from Serbia, and find your new favorite snack!
View EventPiano Smash
This philanthropy event will be held from 12 to 5 on Cruz Plaza. We have acquired a broken piano that will be broken or "smashed" with a sledgehammer or baseball bat. The participants will wear safety glasses and the piano will be set on a tarp to prevent any damage to the concrete. Each participant will sign a safety waiver before they participate. There will be 2 ATO members at the station from 2-5. The money raised will go to…
View EventMoroccan Snacks
Want to try some Moroccan treats? Stop by Cruz Plaza to grab a bite to eat, explore food from Morocco, and find your new favorite snack!
View EventWater Balloon Fight
Did someone say water balloon fight?! Join us Wednesday, March 13th and let out your midterm stresses and throw a water balloon at your friends!
View EventUnited Kingdom Snacks
Want to try some United Kingdom treats? Stop by Cruz Plaza to grab a bite to eat, explore food from the UK, and find your new favorite snack!
View EventWet ‘n Wild
Come out on April 7th for the Organization of Black Student’s last event of the year! There will be food, drinks, games and more! It will be the perfect way to destress on a sunny day!
View EventFresh Check Day
Expo-like Event Brings the Community Together To Check-In On College Students' Mental Health Macon, Ga — Mercer will host Fresh Check Day— a concept created by The Jordan Porco Foundation and designed to bring the whole campus community together to "check-in" on the mental health and wellness of college students. The event is free and has been organized by Mercer Wellness Committee, CAPS and Student Affairs with collaborating campus departments at Mercer, student volunteers, and representatives of The Jordan Porco…
View EventBearstock
Have you marked your calendar yet? BearStock 2024 is Saturday, April 13, 4pm until sunset!
View EventBYOB: Build Your Own Bouquet
To reward all of the students, staff, and faculty of Mercer University for their hard work all throughout the school year, SGA is hosting a "Build Your Own Bouquet" event! We will provide flowers and all the materials necessary for you to make a beautiful bouquet for yourself or someone else. We will also be handing out journals, affirmation cards, and more!
View EventBear County Fair
Join QuadWorks for the first Friday of school! Bear County Fair is a carnival/fair event with multiple inflatables, a balloon artist, a caricature artist, King of Pops popsicles and other snacks! The event is on Cruz Plaza from 6pm to 8pm and everything is free! To request alternative formats or accessible seating due to disability, please contact QuadWorks at quadworks@mercer.edu or 478-301-2874 at least 7 days prior to the event date.
View EventPiano Smash
Piano smash is an event held each semester to raise money for the Jamal Reynolds Foundation.
View EventKenya @ Mercer — Kenyan Snacks
Want to try some Kenyan treats? Stop by Cruz Plaza to grab a bite to eat, explore food from Kenya, and find your new favorite snacks!
View EventRamen and Registration
Visit Mercer Votes on Cruz Plaza for free cup ramen and information on voter registration! On this National Voter Registration Day, register to vote or check your registration status. For registration information and resources, visit vote.mercer.edu.
View EventBrazil @ Mercer — Brazilian Snacks
Want to try some Brazilian treats? Stop by Cruz Plaza from 11 am to 1 pm to grab a bite to eat, explore food from Brazil, and find your new favorite snack!
View EventWellness Fair
Wellness matters! Come out to Cruz and meet campus and community groups who will help you thrive! While you're here, play, enjoy food, and register to win prizes!
View EventTürkiye @ Mercer — Snacks on Cruz
Want to try some Turkish treats? Stop by Cruz Plaza to grab a bite to eat, explore foods from Türkiye, and find your new favorite snack!
View EventCake Pop Sale
Come buy a cake pop from Phi Mu on Cruz on November 6th from 12 pm-2 pm in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness! 50% of profits will go to The American Breast Cancer Foundation and the other 50% of profits will go to Phi Mu's philanthropy, Children's Miracle Network. Cake pops are $3.
View EventMercer Mock Trial’s Valentine’s Bake Sale
If you have a Valentine on Mercer's campus that you haven't gotten a gift for yet, then look no further! Mercer Mock Trial is offering different baked goods that can be bought ahead of time picked up between 9 AM and 12 PM on Cruz Plaza on Valentine's Day (February 14th). You can buy your Valentine a treat anonymously or pick it up yourself! Order by February 12th to ensure your Valentine gets a treat! Cost: 2 Valentine’s Day sugar…
View EventNMDP Be the Match
Cheek swab event to find matches in blood type, bone marrow, and stem cells. At NMDP, we believe each of us holds the key to curing blood cancers and disorders. As a global nonprofit leader in cell therapy, NMDP creates essential connections between researchers and supporters to inspire action and accelerate innovation to find life-saving cures. With the help of blood stem cell donors from the world’s most diverse registry and our extensive network of transplant partners, physicians and caregivers,…
View EventFreshCheck Day
Fresh Check Day, the signature program of the Jordan Porco Foundation, is an uplifting mental health promotion and suicide prevention event for colleges that includes interactive expo booths, peer-to-peer messaging, support of multiple campus departments and groups, free food, entertainment, and exciting prizes and giveaways. Fresh Check Day aims to create an approachable and hopeful atmosphere where students are encouraged to engage in dialogue about mental health and helps to build a bridge between students and the mental health resources…
View EventBearFest 2025
Federal TRIO Programs and Student Affairs present BearFest 2025. The event is taking place on March 28, 2025 from 3:00pm-6:00pm on Cruz Plaza. This year's festivities will feature entertainment, food, dancing, a fashion show and much more.
View EventBearstock
Get excited for Bearstock 2025! Bearstock is Saturday, March 29th from 4pm to 8pm on Cruz Plaza! Free Food, Free Merch, $5 Comfort Colors Tees, the Fall Line Beer Tent, and an amazing performance from NEON TREES!
View Event