Understanding Student Accommodations and the Universal Design for Learning
Join Dr. Robbie Marsh, Assistant Professor of Special Education in the Tift College of Education at Mercer University, to learn how faculty members can work with student accommodations to improve student success. Dr. Marsh will discuss what accommodations mean and how to approach them using the Universal Design for Learning framework. About Dr. Marsh: Dr. Robert Marsh currently holds three degrees and one professional certification including: a Ph.D. in special education in the areas of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and…
View EventThe Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Initiation Ceremony
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is the nation’s oldest and most selective honor society for all academic disciplines. The mission of the Society is to recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others. The Mercer University Chapter will induct students, faculty, and professional staff during the ceremony. Membership is by invitation only to the top 10 percent of seniors and graduate students and 7.5…
View EventGraduate Student Speaker
Listen to a recent graduate talk about her time as PhD student at Georgia Tech!
View EventEnvironmental Injustice Faculty Discussion Panel
To celebrate the publication of the Spring 2022 issue of the Global Health in Action Newsletter, the GHIA Editorial Board will host a faculty panel discussion with Dr. Rachael Goodman, assistant professor of Global Development Studies, and Dr. André J. Butler, associate professor of Environmental and Civil Engineering, on Thursday, March 31 at 6:30 pm over Zoom! Come join us as we discuss environmental injustice, racism and the impacts of climate change on health. The Zoom code to join the…
View EventTips to Increase Student Participation in Class
Responding to students reflectively can create a habit of speaking back to students so that they, in turn, will participate more. Rewarding learner participation in ways that are not contrived or specifically praise-oriented and that foster personal reflection on the part of the student will help support emerging student initiative and further participation. This session will focus on responding to students in ways that generate and reward their participation. Faculty members who attend the Zoom session will receive a Tips…
View EventTips for Faculty to Create Learner Self-Awareness
Teaching and modeling metacognitive skills pays dividends for students not only in your class, but as they move on to other classes as well. Techniques like teaching students to check their own understanding for distortions and misconceptions, predicting project or exam performance and then studying your feedback to align their projections, and practicing identifying what they don't understand are just a few of the metacognitive methods we'll discuss in this workshop. All are ways to help students become more self-aware…
View EventPre-Nursing Panel Discussion — Virtual
Save the Date and Join us for our Virtual Pre-Nursing Panel Discussion Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 10:00a.m. to 11:30a.m. This event is by invitation only and requires a RSVP. Please RSVP at http://evite.me/EFZUkx5zey by Thursday, April 14, 2022. If you have any questions, please contact me at 678.547.6517 or hughes_tm@mercer.edu.
View EventTips for Faculty to Use Instructional Design in Course Planning
Instructional design uses a systematic process for course design. This session will walk you through the sequence of identifying your desired outcomes for students, planning assessment of those outcomes, and then creating the course content and activities that are aligned with your outcomes, objectives, and assessments. Faculty members who attend the Zoom session will receive a Tips handout and their attendance will be added to Activity Insight.
View EventFall 2022 Pre-Nursing Workshop
Save the date and join us for our virtual fall 2022 Pre-Nursing Workshop from 10 a.m.-noon on Sept. 10. This event is by invitation only and requires a RSVP. Please RSVP at http://evite.me/xH9D1Gdgkx by Sept. 9. If you have any questions, please contact Tammy Hughes at (678) 547-6517 or hughes_tm@mercer.edu.
View EventPhi Beta Sigma Informational Meeting
Do you have what does it takes to be a man of Sigma? The Gamma Iota Gamma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. humbly invites YOU to gain valuable insight on the long history of our great organization and how you can become a member of the people's fraternity. We will offer two informational meetings. Business casual attire and active camera is required. Wednesday, September 14th 7:14PM in KNT 108 Sunday, September 18th 7:14PM on ZOOM Meeting link in…
View EventPre-Pharmacy Workshop
Save the date and join us for our virtual fall 2022 Pre-Pharmacy Workshop from noon-1 p.m. Sept. 22. This event is by invitation only and requires a RSVP. Please RSVP at http://evite.me/ed9tntr6Dd by Sept. 21. If you have any questions, please call (678) 547-6517 or email hughes_tm@mercer.edu.
View EventH-STAT Information Meeting
Please join us to learn more about the new H-STAT (Health Students Taking Action Together) organization at Mercer University, established during the 2021-2022 school year. This organization reaches across the University by involving graduate and professional students in health-related disciplines, such as public health, physician’s assistant, physical therapy, clinical psychology, nursing, and medicine. Come learn how we can collaborate on projects with other schools, such as Emory University, Georgia State University, Morehouse School of Medicine, and others around the state…
View EventAchieve Your Goals and Finish Your Degree: Communication and Liberal Studies Webinar
Mercer University continues to offer innovative programs that connect you to opportunities in today’s workplace. Our programs are designed specifically for working adults, making it possible for you to manage the important things in life while pursuing any one of our industry-focused programs. Please join Mercer's Office of University Admissions to learn how our evening, weekend, and online curriculum can help you reach your educational goals!
View EventEarn a Degree and Make a Difference: Human Services Webinar
Mercer University continues to offer innovative programs that connect you to opportunities in today’s workplace. Our programs are designed specifically for working adults, making it possible for you to manage the important things in life while pursuing any one of our industry-focused programs. Please join Mercer's Office of University Admissions to learn how our evening, weekend, and online curriculum can help you reach your educational goals!
View EventTaking Care of Business: Earn a Degree and Achieve Your Goals Webinar
Mercer University continues to offer innovative programs that connect you to opportunities in today’s workplace. Our programs are designed specifically for working adults, making it possible for you to manage the important things in life while pursuing any one of our industry-focused programs. Please join Mercer's Office of University Admissions to learn how our evening, weekend, and online curriculum can help you reach your educational goals!
View EventOn Campus. Online. On Your Time: Adult Undergraduate Degrees Webinar
Mercer University continues to offer innovative programs that connect you to opportunities in today’s workplace. Our programs are designed specifically for working adults, making it possible for you to manage the important things in life while pursuing any one of our industry-focused programs. Join Mercer's Working Adults Undergraduate Admissions team to learn how our evening, weekend, and online curriculum can help you reach your educational goals!
View EventAchieve Your Goals and Finish Your Degree: Communication and Liberal Studies Webinar
Mercer University continues to offer innovative programs that connect you to opportunities in today’s workplace. Our programs are designed specifically for working adults, making it possible for you to manage the important things in life while pursuing any one of our industry-focused programs. Join Mercer's Working Adults Undergraduate Admissions team to learn how our evening, weekend, and online curriculum can help you reach your educational goals!
View EventEarn a Degree and Make a Difference: Human Services Webinar
Mercer University continues to offer innovative programs that connect you to opportunities in today’s workplace. Our programs are designed specifically for working adults, making it possible for you to manage the important things in life while pursuing any one of our industry-focused programs. Join Mercer's Working Adults Undergraduate Admissions team to learn how our evening, weekend, and online curriculum can help you reach your educational goals!
View EventOn Campus. Online. On Your Time: Adult Undergraduate Degrees Webinar
Mercer University continues to offer innovative programs that connect you to opportunities in today’s workplace. Our programs are designed specifically for working adults, making it possible for you to manage the important things in life while pursuing any one of our industry-focused programs. Join Mercer's Working Adults Undergraduate Admissions team to learn how our evening, weekend, and online curriculum can help you reach your educational goals!
View EventWhat to do about ChatGPT?
ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI, is a text generation tool/search engine powered by artificial intelligence. ChatGPT is capable of generating quality text that could be used as the body of papers and essays. Plagiarism checkers like Turnitin do not catch text from ChatGPT since such text has not been published before. This workshop will discuss preliminary observations about these tools and ways to structure assignments that deter students from using them.
View EventCareer Clinic: Dealing with Microaggressions in the Workplace
Join the Center for Career and Professional Development for a dialogue with Alison Nooks, Director of Graduate Career Services, Stetson-Hatcher School of Business. STUDENTS: Please register and log-in through your Handshake account. FACULTY & STAFF: Please email Julie Cannon requesting the Zoom link: cannon_je@mercer.edu To request alternative formats due to a disability, please contact Katie Johnson with Access and Accommodation at johnson_kc@mercer.edu or (478) 301-2778 at least 7 days prior to the event date.
View EventLeader to Leader Symposium
The College of Professional Advancement Department of Leadership Studies is hosting its annual interactive speaker event to bring together actual leaders to discuss their personal journey. This year's event features two dynamic speakers. First, Leslie Stigaard, a Mercer Graduate and the Director of Performance Improvement at Emory Healthcare; and second, Keri Farley, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Atlanta Office. Participants will discuss their personal leadership journeys, followed by a "Q&A" session with participants. We hope…
View EventResilience: The Stories of Everyday Heroes Panel Discussion
To celebrate the publication of the Spring 2023 issue of the Global Health in Action Newsletter, the GHIA Editorial Board will host a panel discussion with Dr. Hani Khoury, professor of mathematics, Raymond Partolan, immigrant and refugee advocate, and Greg Harris, HIV+ activist on March 28 at 6:00 pm over Zoom. Come join us as we discuss resilience, health disparities, and more. The zoom code to join the event is 571-849-8544. Please contact Chief Editor Makenzie Hicks at makenzie.rose.hicks@live.mercer.edu with…
View EventMaster of Family Therapy Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you.
View EventMaster of Family Therapy Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you.
View EventMaster of Family Therapy Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you.
View EventMaster of Science in Preclinical Sciences/Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Master of Science program directors to learn more about our graduate programs in Biomedical Sciences and Preclinical Sciences. Hear from program faculty and learn more about how our programs will provide you with the tools to succeed.
View EventPharmacy Admissions Workshop
Join us to learn more about pharmacy careers and how to best prepare for the PharmD admissions process by attending one of our upcoming webinars.
View EventPharmacy Admissions Workshop
Join us to learn more about pharmacy careers and how to best prepare for the PharmD admissions process by attending one of our upcoming webinars.
View EventTuition Exchange Information Session
Tuition Exchange is a scholarship program that Mercer participates in with nearly 700 institutions around the U.S. The program is for the dependents of eligible full-time employees who are seeking their first undergraduate degree at a participating institution. TE is not an employee benefit, but rather a competitive scholarship program. Please join if you would like information on how your dependent can be considered for this program.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer Votes Coalition Meeting
Mercer Votes Coalition is a student voter engagement organization that cohesively increases student voter engagement. Mercer Votes is a nonpartisan organization that educates students about voting and upcoming elections. Ultimately, our goal is to encourage all students to engage and participate in voting.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer Votes Coalition Meeting
Mercer Votes Coalition is a student voter engagement organization that cohesively increases student voter engagement. Mercer Votes is a nonpartisan organization that educates students about voting and upcoming elections. Ultimately, our goal is to encourage all students to engage and participate in voting.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventPh.D. in Rural Health Sciences Virtual Information Session
Join our program director to learn how our Ph.D. in Rural Health Sciences will provide you with the tools to address the unique challenges of rural health. Explore the program more fully to see how it may fit into your goals and decide if it is right for you. You will find this a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer Votes Coalition Meeting
Mercer Votes Coalition is a student voter engagement organization that cohesively increases student voter engagement. Mercer Votes is a nonpartisan organization that educates students about voting and upcoming elections. Ultimately, our goal is to encourage all students to engage and participate in voting.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMaster of Science in Preclinical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Master of Science in Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Director to learn more about our graduate program in preclinical sciences and explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventPh.D. in Rural Health Sciences Virtual Information Session
Join our program director to learn how our Ph.D. in Rural Health Sciences will provide you with the tools to address the unique challenges of rural health. Explore the program more fully to see how it may fit into your goals and decide if it is right for you. You will find this a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventScholarship of Sport Initiatives Speaker Series: An Interprofessional Approach to Addressing Athletes’ Mental Health and Wellness
Join us for an exciting online event that aims to shed light on the critical topic of athletes' mental health and wellness. This unique gathering will bring together professionals from various fields to discuss strategies, share insights, and explore innovative approaches. Whether you are an athlete, coach, therapist, or simply interested in the subject, this event will provide valuable information and perspectives. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, connect, and contribute to the well-being of athletes worldwide. You…
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMaster of Science in Preclinical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Master of Science in Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Director to learn more about our graduate program in preclinical sciences and explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventPh.D. in Rural Health Sciences Virtual Information Session
Join our program director to learn how our Ph.D. in Rural Health Sciences will provide you with the tools to address the unique challenges of rural health. Explore the program more fully to see how it may fit into your goals and decide if it is right for you. You will find this a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventPh.D. in Biomedical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Ph.D. BMS) Program Director to more fully explore the program and how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventPh.D. in Rural Health Sciences Virtual Information Session
Join our program director to learn how our Ph.D. in Rural Health Sciences will provide you with the tools to address the unique challenges of rural health. Explore the program more fully to see how it may fit into your goals and decide if it is right for you. You will find this a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventPh.D. in Rural Health Sciences Virtual Information Session
Join our program director to learn how our Ph.D. in Rural Health Sciences will provide you with the tools to address the unique challenges of rural health. Explore the program more fully to see how it may fit into your goals and decide if it is right for you. You will find this a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program faculty for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventPh.D. in Rural Health Sciences Virtual Information Session
Join our program director to learn how our Ph.D. in Rural Health Sciences will provide you with the tools to address the unique challenges of rural health. Explore the program more fully to see how it may fit into your goals and decide if it is right for you. You will find this a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventPh.D. in Biomedical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Ph.D. BMS) Program Director to more fully explore the program and how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMaster of Science in Preclinical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Master of Science in Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Director to learn more about our graduate program in preclinical sciences and explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMaster of Science in Preclinical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Master of Science in Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Director to learn more about our graduate program in preclinical sciences and explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program faculty for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Rural Health Sciences Ph.D. Program Virtual Information Session
Join our Program Director for a Virtual Information Session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program faculty for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Rural Health Sciences Ph.D. Program Virtual Information Session
Join our Program Director for a Virtual Information Session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Ph.D. BMS) program director to more fully explore the program and how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMaster of Science in Preclinical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Master of Science in Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Director to learn more about our graduate program in preclinical sciences and explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMaster of Science in Preclinical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Master of Science in Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Director to learn more about our graduate program in preclinical sciences and explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program faculty for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Rural Health Sciences Ph.D. Program Virtual Information Session
Join our Program Director for a Virtual Information Session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program faculty for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Rural Health Sciences Ph.D. Program Virtual Information Session
Join our Program Director for a Virtual Information Session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Ph.D. BMS) program director to more fully explore the program and how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMaster of Science in Preclinical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Master of Science in Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Director to learn more about our graduate program in preclinical sciences and explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View Event2024 Leader to Leader Symposium
The College of Professional Advancement Department of Leadership Studies is hosting its annual interactive speaker event. We are bringing together actual leaders in the respective fields to discuss their personal leadership journey. This year's event in the online webinar format features two dynamic speakers. First, Dr. Stephanie Thomas is the Training Director for the Atlanta Police Leadership Institute; and second, Kirk Barnes is a highly renowned author and speaker. Attendees are invited from the Greater Mercer University Community for the…
View EventThe Business of Counseling
Let's discuss all the questions you have about getting started after graduation. Lorice Harris and Lacey Rhodes are doctoral candidates with Mercer University and have agreed to host an educational workshop and provide support for students on the precipice of beginning their careers. They have combined life experience and expertise in multiple areas, including work in corporate environments, government, criminal justice, and nonprofit. This workshop will be a great way to get some burning questions answered about getting started in…
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program faculty for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventExploring Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy
The counseling landscape is forever changing. Psychedelic-Assisted therapy is gaining recognition for its therapeutic potential to reshape the mental health field. If you're interested in learning more about this emerging field, please join me on Wednesday March 27th from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm via zoom for a conversation. The webinar will provide a unique opportunity to explore historical roots, the legal landscape, and multicultural considerations in psychedelic-assisted therapy. This webinar is sponsored by the Multicultural Wellness Enhancement Research lab…
View EventMaster of Science in Preclinical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Master of Science in Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Director to learn more about our graduate program in preclinical sciences and explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Rural Health Sciences Ph.D. Program Virtual Information Session
Join our Program Director for a Virtual Information Session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Rural Health Sciences Ph.D. Program Virtual Information Session
Join our Program Director for a Virtual Information Session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program faculty for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Ph.D. BMS) program director to more fully explore the program and how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMaster of Science in Preclinical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Master of Science in Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Director to learn more about our graduate program in preclinical sciences and explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMaster of Science in Preclinical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Master of Science in Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Director to learn more about our graduate program in preclinical sciences and explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Rural Health Sciences Ph.D. Program Virtual Information Session
Join our Program Director for a Virtual Information Session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program faculty for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Rural Health Sciences Ph.D. Program Virtual Information Session
Join our Program Director for a Virtual Information Session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the Rural Health Sciences program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program faculty for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMaster of Science in Preclinical Sciences Virtual Information Session
Meet the Master of Science in Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Director to learn more about our graduate program in preclinical sciences and explore how it may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, MS Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MSPCS program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MSPCS program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have. Format: Presentation followed by Q & A.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (MFT) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program faculty for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, MS Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MSPCS program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MSPCS program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have. Format: Presentation followed by Q & A.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, MS Preclinical Sciences (MSPCS) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MSPCS program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MSPCS program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have. Format: Presentation followed by Q & A.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Ph.D. BMS) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our Biomedical Sciences PhD program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the PhD BMS program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have. Format: Presentation followed by Q & A.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (M.F.T.) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Ph.D. in Rural Health Sciences (Ph.D. RHS) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our Rural Health Sciences PhD program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the PhD RHS program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have. Format: Presentation followed by Q & A.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (M.F.T.) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Ph.D. BMS) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our Biomedical Sciences PhD program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the PhD BMS program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have. Format: Presentation followed by Q & A.
View EventNational School Counseling Week
February 3rd-7th is National School Counseling Week! Mercer University celebrates the work of school counselors and the critically important role they play in supporting the healthy mental and emotional development of K-12 students across the state of Georgia. Join us for a free webinar series to learn more about school counseling in our state as well as some of the most recent trends in the field. Our speakers this year are current and former Mercer counseling students who are leaders…
View EventNational School Counseling Week
February 3rd-7th is National School Counseling Week! Mercer University celebrates the work of school counselors and the critically important role they play in supporting the healthy mental and emotional development of K-12 students across the state of Georgia. Join us for a free webinar series to learn more about school counseling in our state as well as some of the most recent trends in the field. Our speakers this year are current and former Mercer counseling students who are leaders…
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (M.F.T.) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventNational School Counseling Week
February 3rd-7th is National School Counseling Week! Mercer University celebrates the work of school counselors and the critically important role they play in supporting the healthy mental and emotional development of K-12 students across the state of Georgia. Join us for a free webinar series to learn more about school counseling in our state as well as some of the most recent trends in the field. Our speakers this year are current and former Mercer counseling students who are leaders…
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (M.F.T.) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences (Ph.D. BMS) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our Biomedical Sciences PhD program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the PhD BMS program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have. Format: Presentation followed by Q & A.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (M.F.T.) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
View EventMercer University School of Medicine, Master of Family Therapy (M.F.T.) Program Virtual Information Session
Join our MFT program director for a virtual information session to help you decide if our program is right for you and to more fully explore how the program may fit into your goals. You will find it a great way to learn more about the MFT program itself and ask any specific questions that you might have.
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